Hello, CALS,
It’s a beautiful Monday, and we’re happily surrounded by flowering plants of all kinds – some native, some exotic, some sadly invasive, and all a feast for the eyes – enjoy!
Last week was busy in all kinds of ways. Associate Dean Carolyn Lawrence-Dill and Associate Professor Mike Martin from the Department of Agricultural Education and Studies planned and hosted the first-ever CALS Open Academy for Team Science Day. More than 130 faculty and staff from our college and others attended to listen or make presentations, lightning talks, posters and awards. It was a terrific forward-leaning event to amplify the research enterprise of the college. Congratulations to all who attended.
Last week we also had the annual spring ISU Foundation Volunteers Week (also known as Governors Week because the Board members for the Foundation are called “Governors”). As it is every spring (and fall when it happens, as well), it means full days of meeting with some of our most important partners and celebrating with them. Among the many meetings and events, a few stand out:
- The presentation of the Honorary Alumni Award to our very own Professor Emeritus of Animal Science Max Rothschild during the university's Distinguished Awards Celebration
- The presentation of the Order of the Knoll Corporation and Foundation Award to the Iowa Corn Growers Association and Iowa Corn Promotion Board
- The groundbreaking of the new LeBaron Hall by our colleagues in the College of Human Sciences
- The luncheon event and the premier screening of the feature-length documentary movie about our program in Uganda and the Center for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods to celebrate the 20th anniversary of that program and lean forward into the next 20 years (a link to the movie coming soon - see pictures below)
There was also the 96th annual Iowa FFA Leadership Conference here on campus last week, and much, much more. We also had the first two candidates for the position of Provost here on campus; this week we'll have the third candidate, and next week, the fourth.
Don't forget about the upcoming graduation exercises, including CALS Convocation, as we slide closer to the end of the semester and the start of our academic summer work - near and far. All good things!
My best for a great week. - Dan
Scenes from CALS
We had great attendance at the program last Thursday at Reiman Gardens celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Center for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods.
This time of year, we get lit up by beautiful redbud trees – and who can’t love this tree?!
Abraham Lincoln is important to us in so many ways, including fundamental connections to American democracy, the U.S. Civil War, Emancipation, securing the Union, the signing of the Morrill Act that created the Land Grant University system (as well as the Railroad Act, the Homestead Act and so many more), his martyrdom, and more. Whenever I see an image or reference to Lincoln, it intrigues me. Here are just a few I’ve taken note of in the past two months:
- The Grant Wood mural in ISU’s Parks Library (considered a Lincoln-esque image) – check it out (see picture below)
- A Lincoln statue in Bennington, Vermont (the one with the small child)
- A Lincoln statue in Parliament Square in London, England (the tall standing Lincoln)
- The small Christian Peterson statue of Lincoln (sitting) between The Hub and Morrill Hall here on campus – check it out (see picture below)