Message from the Dean - February 19, 2024

Hello, CALS,

Last Monday evening, there was a wonderful event in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union for the ISU President and Provost’s celebration of individuals who received national honors and awards during the past year. Of the 96 people recognized university-wide, nearly one-third have a CALS affiliation, and we are so proud of them all! Below are your colleagues who were honored – reach out and ask them about their recognition!

  • Carolyn Lawrence-Dill, CALS administration
  • Scott Smalley, agricultural education and studies
  • Josh Selsby, animal science
  • Juan Steibel, animal science
  • Jodi Sterle, animal science
  • Alejandro Plastina, economics
  • Diane Birt, food science and human nutrition
  • Kevin Schalinske, food science and human nutrition
  • Marna Yandeau-Nelson, genetics, development and cell biology
  • Joel Coats (twice!), plant pathology, entomology and microbiology
  • Ramesh Balayar, sociology and criminal justice
  • Katie Dentzman, sociology and criminal justice
  • Alison Robertson, plant pathology, entomology and microbiology
  • Danny Singh, agronomy
  • Shuyang Qu, agricultural education and studies
  • Lance Baumgard, animal science
  • Curt Youngs, animal science
  • David Acker, CALS administration
  • Lesa Vold, Egg Industry Center
  • Jonathan Wendel, ecology, evolution and organismal biology
  • Joshua Rosenbloom, economics
  • Yanhai Yin, genetics, development and cell biology
  • Steve Freeman, agricultural and biosystems engineering
  • Steve Mickelson, agricultural and biosystems engineering
  • Zhengyuan Zhu, Center for Survey Statistics and Methodology
  • Ann Robinson, CALS Communications, Iowa Nutrient Research Center
  • Whitney Baxter, CALS Communications
  • Alicia Carriquiry, statistics
  • Madeline Schultz, ANR Extension
  • Yang Yang, biochemistry, biophysics and molecular biology

I was in Arizona Tuesday through Friday last week visiting alums and friends of the college, in association with university-wide ISU Foundation events.  With me were Michelle Blair, Nick Van Berkum and Sarah Roelfs from our CALS Development team, and we had a series of excellent visits and events.  The CALS event on Thursday evening drew about 40 people and was a great sharing of stories and support for the college. These are all people who have stood up and really given of themselves to support the college and its many programs. There was a great deal of interest in the new CALS Pathways to Innovation and Leadership program, the CALS Innovation and Entrepreneurship Faculty Fellows program, and our international programs and Study USA generally. There were lots of other conversations about livestock judging, the new Iowa State University Kent Feed Mill and Grain Science Complex, agricultural education and related work in K-12 schools, sustainability and conservation, and the latest and greatest in agricultural science and technology!  

Have a great week, and thanks for all you do! My best - Dan

Scenes from CALS

Approximately 40 people gathered at last week's reception in Arizona to discuss all things CALS.

Tulips and daffodils can be seen emerging from the landscape surrounding Curtiss Hall (and in other spots on campus). While the recent warmer temperatures have these spring-flowering bulbs ahead of schedule, the experts with ISU Extension and Outreach's Horticulture and Home Pest News say the flowers can tolerate cold temperatures. Read more about what the experts have to say about these flowers' premature emergence.

Dan Robison standing at the foot of a staircase, talking to a group of seated CALS alums.Emerging daffodils in a bed of woodchips.