Message from the Dean - February 3, 2025

Hello, CALS,

I hope you can attend this evening’s celebration of the life and legacy of George Washington Carver in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union (registration begins at 5 p.m., followed by the program at 5:30 p.m.). It’ll be a great event and always so fitting that especially our college celebrates Carver and the lasting inspiration he provided us. The event this year will also celebrate Frederick Douglass Patterson, a celebrated alum of Iowa State's College of Veterinary Medicine and former president of Tuskegee Institute when Carver was there.

Tomorrow, Feb. 4, from 4:30-6 p.m. in Harl Commons, I hope you will attend the kick-off for the CALS Pathways to Innovation and Leadership program that aims to include EVERY undergraduate in the college. As much as we are all engaged in some way with our undergraduates and their success and support of us – it will be important for everyone to lean in and support this synergizing program. Please find out more about the program, please celebrate its continued launch with us, and ask students and each other about it. Where you receive a blank response – help to make them aware!

This week, too, we have the second candidate for the department chair of agronomy position. Attend the seminar on Wednesday, Feb. 5, from 9-9:50 a.m. in 3022 Agronomy Hall.

There is much happening in the State of Iowa government and in the U.S. federal government related to higher education, and the agencies that we are in partnership with, and I hope you are keeping aware. Lots of debate and considerations are ongoing. Few answers or definitive outcomes at this time.  

My best for a great week. – Dan

Scenes from CALS

Geese standing on a frozen pond.
Canada geese enjoying an evening gathering in Ames. This iconic bird, almost extirpated from the U.S., is now more than common.
Large trees with a red barn and silo in the background.
A scene nearby to us all this past weekend that could be in almost any month from about November to March. Seems to me you can almost hear the quietness of the resting landscape.